Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ho-Ho-Ho & A Bottle of Manischewitz

The Navy has stopped a boat by the pro-Arab "Free Gaza" movement, which has accused the Navy of ramming its vessel and causing damage. Free Gaza spokeswoman Greta Berlin said the incident occurred approximately 50-60 miles off the Gaza coast, in international waters. She charged Israel with "piracy on the high seas."

Israel media quoted the IDF that the Free Gaza boat, dubbed Dignity, collided with another boat, but Berlin said the activists on board have pictures to prove it was rammed by the Navy ship. The IDF said it stopped the boat, loaded with food and medical supplies, in order to prevent it from arriving in a war zone.


IDF orders aid ship on way to Gaza to retreat

The Israeli Navy stopped an ISM ship carrying humanitarian aid on its way to the Gaza Strip Tuesday, and ordered it to return to wear it came from. The ship carrying 16 people has begun its return to Cyprus. However, sources close to the activists on the ship claim it does not have enough fuel to reach the Island.

and this is cute, too:

Mercantile Discount Bank has refused to execute a bank transfer from a Spanish government agency to an Israeli human rights organization because the transfer form listed the organization's East Jerusalem address as being in "the Occupied Palestinian Territories."

Monday, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court issued an injunction barring the bank from returning the money to the donor until it hands down a final ruling on the legality of the bank's refusal. The injunction was issued in response to a suit by the intended recipient, the Hamoked Center for the Defense of the Individual.

The money, totaling over 100,000 euros, has been sitting in one of the bank's Tel Aviv branches since November 21. According to Hamoked, bank officials told it that had the form not included an address at all, the money would have been deposited in its account without delay.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Medad,

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    Thank you,
    DemoCast.TV - the only political Zionist candidate in the Best Video Blog category
