Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Didn't Do It

5 Palestinians killed after Egypt forces detonate smuggling tunnels

At least five Palestinians were killed and four others were wounded on Tuesday when Egyptian forces blew up two smuggling tunnels beneath the Egyptian-Gaza border, medical workers and residents said. Residents said the tunnels, used to bring goods from Egypt into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, collapsed when Egyptian soldiers detonated explosives in an attempt to curb smuggling.

Egyptian officials were not immediately available for comment.

That was the headline and the story as it appeared in today's Haaretz and quoted from Reuters.

But Reuters had this headline:-

Five Palestinians die in Gaza border tunnel blasts

Haaretz was...cheating?

Or was Reuters not reporting something newsworthy?

Like Arabs killing Arabs. Shades of Menachem Begin. Remember?

Goyim kill goyim and the Jews are blamed

P.S. And notice that the Egyptians don't give a damn about the media. They aren't available. In fact, they've been killing more Pals. recently than Israel.

As the AP reports:-

In recent months, 42 people have been killed in tunnel collapses.

The Pals., of course, don't mention anything about terror support regarding these tunnels. For example, PNN reports:-

Palestinians are using these tunnels to import food, fuel and other necessities from the Egyptian side during the Israeli economic blockade on the Gaza Strip and its 1.6 million residents.

"Other necessities"? Hmmm.

Even the Winston-Salem Journal gets it right:-

Palestinians use many tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border to smuggle in weapons, cash and contraband.

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