Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hari Is Full of Sh*t

Sorry to return to Johann Hari, after just yesterday bashing him about a bit.

But I in reading the below story, I immediately recalled an earlier insult he launched against Israel. But first thing first.

Here's the news:-

Report: Palestinian effluent endangers underground water reservoirs

Report by Environmental Protection Ministry, Civil Administration, Israeli National Parks Service finds most West Bank streams contaminated by wastewater. Lack of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation may lead to severe pollution of underground reservoirs, it warns...58 million cubic-meters of untreated effluent are being pumped into the streams in the West Bank...The problem, said sources in the NPS and the Civil Administration, is that politics seem to be overshadowing both sides' environmental needs, as the Palestinians see any such cooperation as a collaboration with their occupiers. So much so, in fact, that even the relatively simple solution of connecting Palestinians cities to auxiliary, rear-guard Israeli treatment pipelines, was deemed unacceptable.

It is also claimed that

only 70% of the Jewish communities east of the Green Line are connected to treatment facilities. Moreover, illegal outposts and unauthorized settlement expansions are not connected to any wastewater treatment centers and are pumping effluent into sewage pits.

although I know that the Civil Administration is quite careful about sewerage and has installed many treating unit. And, after all, the sewerage output is minimal from the small demographics involved.

And The Jerusalem Post item here.

Palestinian towns and cities produce an estimated 56 million cubic meters of
sewage per year, 94 percent of which isn't treated at all. Israeli settlements
produce an estimated 17.5 million cubic meters per year, 31.5% of which isn't
treated. Most Israeli sewage is treated either in Israel or in the West Bank,
although many settlements have not yet built proper facilities...

And now, let's recall Hari (here):

the state of Israel...has provided the one lonely spot in the Middle East where gay people are not hounded and hanged, and where women can approach equality...But...a remembered smell fills my nostrils. It is the smell of shit. Across the occupied West Bank, raw untreated sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish settlements, along large metal pipes, straight onto Palestinian land. From there, it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs, and become a poison.

Oh, my gosh! Could it be that it is Hari who is full of shit?

That only Jews are responsible?

But wouldn't that be akin to antisemitism, blaming Jews for the world's ills?

1 comment:

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