Wednesday, August 27, 2008

They Beat Out Agriprocessors

600 vs. 400.

LAUREL, Miss. (AP) - Federal officials say nearly 600 suspected illegal immigrants were detained in a raid on a manufacturing plant in southern Mississippi, making it the largest such sweep in the country...The Mississippi raid was one of a series of recent high-profile crackdowns on illegal immigrants. In May, officials swept into the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Iowa and detained 400 workers.

Shmarya, any comment?


  1. So what's your point Winkie?
    Two 'wrongs' don't make a 'right'!

  2. It ain't just a Jewish thing so we don't have to be that self-righteous about it.

  3. Illegal is just that... That is why they were treated as "criminals" because that is exactly what they are... they broke the law and took jobs from legal people who really need them... I say this crack down is good. I feel bad for the families, but they should have prepared for this since they knew what they were doing was illegal...

  4. Separating families? Branding them with bracelets? Detentions centers too? I remember reading something similar to this except those people had to wear arm bands with stars on em, and eventually they tried killing em all in some faux shower stalls. Instead of detention camps they we called em concentration camps. Those people were just working trying to live the American Dream but somehow it's Illegal to fulfill that dream unless you were born on this land. Even though those born here ALL have Immigrant ancestors, but because the people here didn't have a concept of Illegal those people came over here Legally I guess. Hypocracy its best. U.S Marshals need to go bust the drug dealers and murderers not people making a living.

  5. It's about time the Federal Gov't started to enforce the law. If you had ever seen American unemployed and American homeless, with nowhere to go, you might understand why going after illegal aliens needs to be done. All this cheap labor is disgusting, when these companies refuse to hire Americans or legal immigrants for these jobs. These companies have lost their moral obligation to their community, and what's more, they don't care about anyone in the community. They just care about filling their pockets, no matter what the cost to their community.

  6. "We have kids without dads and pregnant mothers who got their husbands taken away," said Velez's son, Robert, youth pastor at the church. "It was like a horror story. They got handled like they were criminals."

    They ARE criminals.........

  7. Hah ya'll are awesome, that was exactly my point when I saw the Pastor jawin about them treating them like criminals.
    Illegal means against the law, against the law equals criminal.
    I really wonder sometimes why people don't get that.

  8. I cannot believe that someone compares this to ethnic cleansing and the Nazi's. And if I remember correctly, our immagrent ancestors went through a little island called Ellis, not over or through a fence in the middle of the night. Those who are scared, have no one to blame but themselves, they had to know the risk. If not, then its probably better they go back.

  9. Anonymous @ 09:44:00 PM needs to get a brain. There is no comparison here. If they want to live the American dream they have to come here LEGALLY. I have immigrant ancestors, as well as Native American ones. My wife was a LEGAL immigrant and got her citizenship last year. By the way, of the 155,855 inmates in California prisons, 19,139 have INS holds on them. So that means that 1 in 8 are ILLEGAL ALIENS.

  10. Agri is getting a very bad rap. People should take the time to fully understand the scope of the complex issues at hand and perhaps spend time in Postville before rushing to unfair judgment.

    Everyone is INNOCENT until proven guilty.

    These are ALLEGED crimes fueled by a mass smear campaign launched by the left wing/anti-religious media, PETA, the democrats, and the unions all launched upon a good, decent, charitable family in Iowa.

    We should realize that these allegations and speculation does not just hurt one family, or one Kosher business, but these are the types of attacks which might, in fact, be fueled by anti-semitism.

    We need to do more to show Agri and what they provided in a positive light as this is really hurting many observant Jews---not just a business or a family they may or may not have done anything wrong.

  11. ALSO, the AP got it wrong. It was 307 which were detained, NOT 400. They have added about 25% to it. Agri is getting an unfair rap by the media as well.
