Saturday, January 12, 2008

But There's Mutual Compensation

A NYTimes editorial stated:-

For the first time, Mr. Bush did say that Israel must compensate Palestinians who left or were driven from their homes in what is now Israel.

This is silly.

First, compensation is in the original UN resolution but the Arabs have always refused that, demanding nothing less than the return to the 1947 borders and the full implementation of a fake "right of return".

Secondly, hey, we have more Jewish refugees from Arab Lands. Where's their money offer?

1 comment:

  1. First, compensation is in the original UN resolution but the Arabs have always refused that, demanding nothing less than the return to the 1947 borders and the full implementation of a fake "right of return".

    Bush has already called upon Israel to negotiate with the Palestinians on the "right of return". This past Wednesday. But we're all supposed to forget that we heard him say it.

    See my posting on this:

    Censoring Bush's call for Palestinian "right of return"
