Monday, September 17, 2007

New Posters - No Singing or Dancing in Geula

As these posters indicate, there seems to be an opposition brewing to tourists and other foreigners invading Geula and Meah She'arim neighborhoods to celebrate the Sukkot Holiday's special "Bet HaShoevah" events. No singing events are to be attended or held, events which are defined as unbridled behavior. The Rabbis who signed on seem to be the ones who very unsuccessfully failed to stop the stadium performance of Avrohom Fried and Mordechai Ben-David.

You have been forewarned or whatever.


  1. Hey, hey, hey Yisrael, let's be fair! The posters don't say what you have posted. They refer to OUTDOOR celebrations, not EVERYTHING. And the signatories are not all the same -- none of the Chassidic Rebbes who signed on the earlier Kol Koreh about concerts were signed on this one.

  2. Hey, hey.

    I wrote: "special "Bet HaShoevah" events". So I'm covered.

    As for the different signatures, that's why I included all the posters.

    As for Admorim and Chassidim, hey, hey, do they count to Litvaks? (just kidding)
