Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Place to Find Rationality & Logic in the NYTimes

From Letters to the Editor of the New York Times:-

In its brutal, planned coup, Hamas has at once demonstrated its disdain for Fatah, truces, the rule of law and the disregard it has for the welfare of the Palestinian people. Yet you somehow believe that making more positive overtures can be an effective strategy for addressing the current situation.

Negotiate with President Mahmoud Abbas on a final peace settlement? How can any progress come from that when Hamas has proved how powerless Fatah is in Gaza? Freeze settlements as a good-will gesture? Please! I thought evacuating Gaza would have been sufficient for that purpose, yet we see the outcome of that particular initiative.

Release revenues to alleviate suffering? As in the past, much of those funds will easily wind up paying for more arms.

The efforts you advocate will not shore up support for Mr. Abbas, they will not further any aspect of the peace process, and they will not lessen the plight of the Palestinian people. Such a strategy is not “new and wiser.” It is old and foolish.

Daniel Silberman

We got to this very low point in the peace process precisely because the Fatah governments that preceded Hamas were very comfortable with double talk: urging peace and conciliation before the international community, while simultaneously inciting the Palestinian population to violence and hatred.

Joshua I. Schlenger

Amid the Palestinian carnage, you still urge Israel to change its settlement and security policy by restricting the former while relaxing the latter to magically bolster President Mahmoud Abbas.

If anything, it was the very Israeli policy in Gaza, which you now urge the Jewish state to institute in the West Bank, that gave rise to Hamas these last two years.

Israel’s complete withdrawal of its military presence and checkpoints, as well as the total dismantling of the settlements in Gaza, was greeted with a sweeping victory of Hamas in the ensuing elections, a barrage of rocket attacks against Israeli communities within the Green Line, and now, the Hamas-led savagery resulting in its total control of Gaza.

Joel D. Gordon

Being surrounded by Hamas and Hezbollah, both sworn enemies of Israel, and both financed by Iran, does not, to put it mildly, inspire a sense of security for the Israelis. An emboldened jihadist movement could be dangerous to the entire Middle East.

Marvin Waxner

Well, almost:-

The takeover of Gaza by Hamas should come as a surprise to no one. Israel’s reported tolerance of Islamic fundamentalists in the 1970s...

Khaled Galal

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