Thursday, March 22, 2007

Extremely Rice

Last year, the Condi Rice "buzz word" was "robust". No kidding.

Now, it's "extreme". But see how she uses it in this announcement:-

Rice Traveling to Middle East To Support Two-State Solution

U.S. officials to meet with moderates in Palestinian government

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, prior to traveling to the Middle East to advance a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, joined international diplomats in expressing hope that the newly formed Palestinian government will help ensure peace.

During her trip, Rice will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and other moderate members of the Palestinian government. Rice leaves for the region March 23.

“It is extremely important to continue to show American commitment to the development of a political horizon so that their future rests with moderate forces like Abu Mazen [President Mahmoud Abbas], and not with forces that are extreme,” the secretary said March 21. She said her trip would begin “at the end of the week.”

Testifying before a House appropriations subcommittee, Rice said the new Palestinian unity government, formed March 17 and led by Hamas, “has provided something of a challenge.” The new unity government has not renounced terrorism and does not recognize Israel’s right to exist.

“But there are people in the Palestinian political leadership, and indeed in this government, who have themselves personally accepted those principles and lived their lives on that basis,” Rice said.

The United States continues to encourage the international community to provide direct aid to the Palestinian people while trying to support moderates within the Palestinian government. Rice told the congressional panel there has been an increase in U.S. humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people over the past year. (See related article.)

The United States will “not suspend our contacts with those in the Palestinian government who have a record of fighting for peace,” Rice said. “That keeps a way to continue to influence the development of this Palestinian unity government. And we will, of course, continue to work with Abu Mazen, who is himself committed to this cause.”

I think Condi's becoming quite moderately extreme.

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