Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rock-thrower Shot Dead

But not in Israel.

Actually there was a fatal shooting of a man who was throwing rocks but he was engaged in that activity from the Mexican side of the border near Andrade, California. The shots were fired by a Border Patrol agent on August 26, 2006.

Here's a report:-

Border Patrol officials said the late-night incident started on the U.S. side when agents assigned to the Yuma station investigated a suspicious car near the Andrade Port of Entry in California.

The Yuma sector straddles eastern California and western Arizona.

The driver of the car ran into Baja California and ended up in a pond near the Colorado River where he started to flail, Border Patrol authorities said.

Agents – still on the U.S. side – threw a flotation device and attempted to rescue him, said Chris Van Wagenen, Border Patrol spokesman for the Yuma sector.

Someone started throwing rocks from the Mexican side of the border, about 10 feet away from the agents, Van Wagenen said, and one of the agents was hit in the head.

An agent fired a shot when he saw that someone was about to throw another rock, Van Wagenen said. He said he wasn't sure if it was the same agent who was hit by the rock.

Food for thought.

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