Friday, July 21, 2006

Rational Reasoned Pal. Thinking

Well, not really.


Israel is not telling the truth about how many Israelis are being sent to hell. When Hizballah bombed the train station in Haifa, there were huge pools of blood everywhere, and the Israeli authorities said that only 8 were killed. If only 8 were killed, where did all that blood come from then? Up to now, the death toll is 250 in Lebanon and 25 in Israel. So thats 10 Lebanese people per Israeli person killed. That sucks. People think that Arab blood is worthless.

It’s impossible that after firing more than 950 rockets, only 25 have been killed. Israel just wants to cover it up, because the Israelis might rebel against the govermentbecause of the killings and because they’re cowards and don’t want to fight.

1 comment:

  1. Well, for example, how could you be so sure that any Israeli soldier is being sent to Hell? Why not Heaven? And I can tell you, they're not going there because of 72 virgins.
