Monday, December 19, 2005

I Doubt This Would Work Here

I found a report that movie theater owners want cell phones blocked.

Seems the National Association of Theater Owners wants the Federal Communications Commission to allow the blocking of cell phone signals in theaters which they consider (as do I) "rude behavior". The group would petition the FCC for permission to block cell phone signals within movie theaters.

But, America is a democracy so the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association -- a Washington-based cell phone lobby that is also known as CTIA-the Wireless Association -- said it would fight any move to block cell phone signals.

Their spokesman, Joseph Farren, said: "We're opposed to the use of any blocking technology, because it interferes with people's ability to use a wireless device in an emergency situation."

Reminds me of a joke: NY Governor Patatki was speaking before a large audience when a cell phone started ringing. "Funny," the governor was allegorically to have said, "I didn't know there were any Israelis here."

In Israel, I've seen many methods to "educate" the crowd including repeated messages blared forth from the screen or loudspeakers. But the rather forthrightness of my fellow Israelis seems to mitigate a cultured, graceful solution. C'est la vie!


  1. Israelis like to believe that having the phone on "vibrate" is as good as off. As a teacher, I have major arguments with my students about it. Their power of concentration is too weak to handle both the lesson and phone calls. I know that some of the "emergency" trips to the loo are really vibrations of another source.

  2. I'd like to thank my wife for leaving a comment. I know there are visitors - the counter says so but when no one even disagrees with you and no one writes anything otherwise, it can get lonely.
