Saturday, March 26, 2005

Publication Ban

Due to a court-ordered ban on the publication of a certain news item,
it is nigh impossible to get any details about an incident that appeared
earlier on Thursday on three Israeli web sites, including YNet, regarding a possible police-initiated operation against the Yesha Council recalling a similar event a decade ago when a GSS provocateur was used to besmirch the anti-government

Hopefully, details will be forthcoming soon.

Approaches were made to foreign news agencies to utilize their
contacts and achieve the right to publish which in Israel's state
of selective non-democracy is most difficult.

It seems that about 6 weeks ago, the operations unit hired people to help distribute fliers, banners, etc. One guy wasn't very good - lazy, late, etc. So they told him they were firing him.

He then says "I live in Lod and I can get explosives so we can blow up the disengagement process". The unit head tells Pinchas, Pinchas tells the police, they set up a sting at Lod Wednesday at midnight. All show up, he's arrested and the next morning Yesha sends out a press notice. I saw it on Ynet and Maariv.

Next thing they know, after making inquiries, that there's a court-ordered
publication ban.

Was there an agent provocateur?

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