Monday, March 23, 2009

More on "Kings"

Following a previous post, seems that the new "Kings" series is A bit "queenie":-

The vivacious Jack is meant to represent David’s close friend, Jonathan, who the Bible says “loved (David) as his own soul.” In “Kings,” Jack is gay. Green said he doesn’t care whether David and Jonathan were secret gay lovers, as some believe; he just liked the added element of family tension over Jack’s sexuality.

“I think the Middle Ages were spent trying to decide what that relationship was,” Green said. “Why (Jack) was made gay was probably purely selfish narrative. I thought it made for the most conflict. And gay people are part of our world. I wanted this to reflect it.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, conservatives are less than pleased.

“If homosexual activists are looking for examples of homosexuality in the Bible, they are better off looking at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and what happened there instead of creating fiction out of thin air and wishful thinking,” said Tom McCluskey of the Washington-based Family Research Council.

Gay groups, meanwhile, like what they see so far.

“Based on having seen the first three hours, this is a fascinating and complex show where the character of Jack remains something of a mystery,” said Damon Romine of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. “We’re very interested to see where his story will lead and hope that it will continue to be as intriguing and free of stereotypes as the series progresses.”

And it seems there's a suggestion of how to negotiate a peace treaty, too:-

A tense standoff ensues, broken up by the arrival of Silas, who takes the Gath prime minister aside for a one-on-one. The man reveals that his generals were humiliated by David's triumph over the tank and want revenge; the rest of Gath, he claims, wants the prosperity enjoyed in Gilboa. Silas responds by offering Port Prosperity, a city seized by Gilboa which has the capacity to provide Gath with new economic growth. The prime minister agrees to the terms. It won't be easy for Gilboa to lose the city, but the king believes his people will learn to accept it.

And by the way of graphics, notice this?


  1. As far as the logo of Shiloh which appears on their flag, I think the comparison is better with this:

    In fact, it's what I thought of FIRST when watching the program... and the idea of a "king" is appropriate, don't you think?

  2. I didn't mind the inclusion of a gay character in general. However, it did bother me that they portrayed the Jack character as gay simply because Jonathan in the bible was deeply loyal to David. I know many man who have deep friendships with other men, and who are not gay.

    I think the color palette on the sets bothers me more than anything else. Black, white, and red.

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